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Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Incoherent Thoughts

Its been quite a while since i dropped anything here.... :( , Not entirely my fault... And to make matters worse, this is not even  a post per se, but opinion sampling....
Know that whatever you write might impact on someones life and future.

So it goes does:
If you have a job that you loved so much, various opportunities , trainings, challenges, travelling opportunities, financial gains, promotions and many more benefits come your way.

Then all of a sudden, due to the global economic situation, things are no longer as exciting as before, no more promotions, no more travellings, no more financial gain expectations.
All you are left with is your work and your pay.... No benefits in sight. What will you do?

1. Will that Job still interest you? why?
2. What will you do if you no longer find Joy in what you do maybe because it has become so predictable and stereotyped
3. Why do you do what you do (work)?  was it the only available option or do you simply love what you do or is it a means to an end?
4. Will you quit
what other scenarios can you think of?

These are just my random Incoherent  thoughts and your opinions are very much welcome


  1. my job is a means 2 an end not bcos i love.i hope 2 quit very soon 2 follow my dream

  2. Yeancah Akinola27 June 2012 at 01:54

    To the first question: sure one would loose interest in such a job, cos of the attachment to it before. But the interest might still be there if there are no other job or maybe that as alwaz bn a dream job without the benefits attached thereto.

    Secondly, if you feel you find no more joy in what you are doing, then its better to put ur effort in oda things better that cud bring you the joy. Its very important to find happiness in what you do.

    Thirdly, doing things generally as lot of reasons, some do it cos dr are no other options available, some do it cos of the passion and love they got for it. Also it cud be the means to an end.

    Lastly, like I earlier said, if there are better options available, one could quit for that option but all precautions must be taken before such step is taking to quit, its very important.

    Inclusively, if you have a dream and focus on making a particular thing for yourself, quiting could also be an option, so as to push forward to hit the dream target.
